Saving Money Archives - Thrifty Therapist Investment Partner Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:27:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Saving Money Archives - Thrifty Therapist 32 32 Money Savings Challenge Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:27:15 +0000 Money savings challenge – a simple yet effective way to save over $1,300 in a year! This savings technique requires some discipline, but the payoff makes it completely worthwhile. In this article we talk about Money Savings Challenge. The concept is straightforward: you start by saving $1 the first week, then increase the amount you ... Read more

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Money savings challenge – a simple yet effective way to save over $1,300 in a year! This savings technique requires some discipline, but the payoff makes it completely worthwhile. In this article we talk about Money Savings Challenge.

The concept is straightforward: you start by saving $1 the first week, then increase the amount you save by $1 each week after that. So week 1 you save $1, week 2 you save $2, all the way until week 52 when you save $52. By the end, you’ll have saved a total of $1,378!

Its foundation is the mathematical idea that 1,378 is the result of adding all the integers from 1 to 52. The procedure is as follows:

Save $1 in Week 1 and $2 in Week 2.
Week 3: Set aside $3
Week 4: Make a $4 savings
And so forth…
Week 52: Accumulate $52

$1,378 was saved in all.

This challenge is great since it’s really simple to begin with—saving just one dollar in the first week. However, as the weeks pass, you’ll need to save a gradually bigger amount, so it’s easy to go from saving pennies to significant sums.

Saving more than $50 a week seems very achievable if you take it slow and add to your savings little by little. Building your savings seems natural rather than constrictive because to the progressive ramp-up.

Why Take Up the 52-Week Savings Challenge for Money?

This straightforward savings method is well-liked because it works for a number of reasons:

  • It’s adaptable: This challenge doesn’t have to begin on January 1st; you may begin it at any time of the year. Regardless of when you start, the weekly format is effective.
  • It’s simple to comprehend – Remember the week number. Save $20 by week 20. Simple!
  • By the end, it yields a substantial payout of more than $1,300! And that only accounts for weekly tiny changes.
  • It fosters discipline. Saving money on a weekly basis requires dedication and fosters prudent financial practices.
  • Comparing that to saving a large lump sum seems simpler. – Making the challenge feel manageable by starting with $1.

Try this challenge if you want to start saving money quickly or if you want to focus on saving consistently! Every week, it takes less than five minutes and adds more than $1,000 to your savings account.

Advice for Successful Savings

The following excellent advice will make finishing the 52-week money challenge simpler:

1. Make use of transfers automatically

Weekly automated transfers should be set up from your checking account to your savings. By automating it, you have a better chance of making weekly savings.

2. Use Cash
If you don’t trust yourself not to dip into savings, use physical cash stored in envelopes each week instead of transferring digital money.

3. Team Up
Get an accountability partner to do the challenge together. You can remind each other to save each week.

4. Give Yourself a Buffer
Don’t start at $1 if that amount stresses you out. Give yourself a few weeks to adjust by starting at $5 or $10.

5. Know Your Motivation
Are you saving for a car? Down payment? Vacation? Remind yourself of your goal when motivation lags.

6. Use a Tracking App
Apps help you manually enter your weekly savings amounts. Seeing progress can be super motivating!

Make Saving a Habit

Building savings doesn’t have to be intimidating. By using a structured savings technique like the 52 week money challenge, you make regularly adding to savings an easy habit.

Saving small change turns out to make a big difference! Over $1,300 in a year just from consistently saving spare dollars each week.

Turn this concept into a lifelong habit by repeating the challenge annually or try similar savings challenges in the future. Consistently saving small amounts is an simple way to end up with big savings over time. I sincerely hope you find this “Money Savings Challenge” article helpful.

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Ways Going Green Will Save You More Money Sat, 27 Jan 2024 21:38:24 +0000 Going green is not just good for the environment – it’s great for your wallet too. As we move into 2024, there are more incentives and cost-saving opportunities than ever when you make eco-friendly choices. Whether it’s switching to solar power, driving an electric vehicle, or just using less energy overall, green living pays off. ... Read more

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Going green is not just good for the environment – it’s great for your wallet too. As we move into 2024, there are more incentives and cost-saving opportunities than ever when you make eco-friendly choices. Whether it’s switching to solar power, driving an electric vehicle, or just using less energy overall, green living pays off. Read on to learn some of the key ways you can save more green by going green in 2024.

Solar Power Systems

Installing solar panels on your home is one of the biggest investments you can make for reduced energy costs now and well into the future. The federal solar tax credit is still available in 2024, giving you back 26% of the cost of installing a solar system. When combined with other incentives like state/local rebates and net metering savings, a home solar system often pays for itself within 5-7 years. Once your system is paid off, you enjoy free electricity for decades. And as energy rates inevitably rise, your savings grow over time.

Electric Vehicles

2024 is poised to be a big year for electric vehicles, with more affordable models hitting the market and longer-range batteries becoming standard. Federal tax credits up to $7,500 still apply for most models in 2024. And when you calculate the savings from less maintenance, no gas costs, and potential utility rebates, EVs make both environmental and financial sense. Going electric can easily save the average driver over $1,000 per year. Some states even offer additional incentives for installing home EV chargers.

Smart Home Technologies

From smart thermostats to home energy monitoring systems, smart home tech gives you unprecedented control over your energy use. AI-powered devices like the Nest Learning Thermostat self-adjust to keep you comfortable while avoiding energy waste. And tools like the Sense Home Energy Monitor track real-time usage and identify “energy vampires” so you can save on costly appliances. With smart home upgrades, you can save 15-30% on heating/cooling bills and reduce wasted energy. In most cases, the tech pays for itself in under two years through energy savings.

Reduce Water Use

With droughts becoming more common, the cost of water is expected to rise across the U.S. in coming years. Installing water-efficient fixtures like low-flow toilets and faucets can reduce indoor water usage by 35% or more. Outdoor landscaping with native plants also cuts down on watering needs. In arid climates especially, dramatic water reductions yield substantial utility bill savings. Even smaller changes like taking shorter showers, running full loads of laundry, and addressing leaks quickly add up. Expect water conservation efforts to have an even bigger financial payoff in 2024 and beyond.

Weatherization Upgrades

Sealing air leaks around windows, doors, ducts and other areas of energy loss through weatherization upgrades provides huge savings on heating & cooling bills. Things like adding insulation, storm windows, weather stripping and caulking typically pay for themselves in less than one year. Then you can enjoy ongoing annual savings of 15% or more on home energy costs. And utilities often have rebates and incentives to make weatherization even more budget-friendly. Weatherizing your home in 2024 is one of the fastest ways to start saving money while increasing comfort.

Buy Energy Efficient Appliances

When your old appliances need replacing, spend a little more upfront to get the most energy efficient models. From refrigerators and washing machines to dishwashers and air conditioners, Energy Star certified appliances consume 10-50% less energy and water than standard models. Although they can cost $50-$100 more, their long-term savings of $40 or more per year quickly make up the difference. Just be sure to check databases like and to confirm which specific models offer the best efficiency. Prioritizing efficiency for all future appliance purchases is one of the simplest paths to ongoing utility savings.

Reduce Wasted Food

The average family throws away over $1,500 worth of edible food every year. All that uneaten food ends up rotting in landfills as one of the biggest contributors to methane emissions. Beyond the environmental impact, hundreds of dollars flushed down the drain takes a real toll on household budgets. But with better meal planning, storage solutions, portion control and creative use of leftovers, it’s easy to reduce annual food waste by $500 or more in most homes. Doing so cuts methane pollution while putting real money back in your pocket.

Choose Energy Efficient Lighting

LED lighting continues dropping in price while getting brighter and more versatile for homes. Replacing all bulbs with LEDs can reduce lighting energy use by 75% or more. And with bulb lifespans of up to 50,000 hours, you’ll avoid frequent bulb replacement costs too. Although LEDs still have a higher upfront cost, they typically pay for themselves through energy savings in less than a year. Take advantage of local utility rebates to upgrade all remaining lighting fixtures to LEDs in 2024 for instant efficiency gains. Over the life of the bulbs, lighting electricity costs get cut dramatically.

Adjust Your Thermostat

One of the simplest ways to pare energy costs is adjusting your programmable thermostat to be more efficient. Set it lower in colder months and higher in summer months to use less heating and air conditioning. Smart and WiFi-connected thermostats make it even easier to set efficient schedules and control temps from anywhere. Get in the habit of tweaking your thermostat each season to align with real occupancy patterns and comfort needs. Program it for 1-2 degrees warmer when away at work or on vacation too. Small thermostat adjustments drive big savings over time, especially for all-electric homes.

Stop Using Paper Bills & Statements

Think about how much paper comes into your home every month between utility and credit card bills, bank statements, subscriptions and more. Receiving and dealing with all that mail has more financial and environmental costs than you might expect. Moving as much household paperwork to e-delivery as possible saves trees along with your time. Ditching paper billing alone can reduce personal paper usage by up to 50 pounds every year. Scale back standard mail delivery where you can in 2024 and beyond. Over time, the paper reductions really add up, saving precious forests one bill at a time.

Cancel Unused Services

It’s remarkably easy to overlook unused subscription services that deduct small monthly fees from your accounts. But things like unused streaming channels, cloud storage plans and smartphone apps can waste well over $100/year. Go through periodic reviews of all monthly and annual subscriptions to spot services not getting used. Cancel or downsize anything you don’t really need. Put reminders on your calendar to reassess subscriptions every 3-6 months. Keeping only truly useful services frees up small amounts of money that really add up.


Going green stands to save eco-conscious Americans even more money in 2024 through things like solar panel systems, electric vehicles, efficient appliances and smart home devices. And smaller habit changes around energy, water, food and subscriptions also quickly move the needle on annual savings over time. Being mindful of sustainability makes sense both financially and environmentally. The more green choices you incorporate into daily life, the more green you get back through impressive long-term cost reductions.

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How To Achieve Financial Freedom Sat, 13 Jan 2024 13:38:25 +0000 Financial freedom is the ability to cover your living expenses through passive income streams without having to work a 9-5 job. It gives you the flexibility to spend time how you want – with family, traveling, or pursuing hobbies. The concept of financial freedom gained major traction after Tim Ferriss published his book ‘The 4-Hour ... Read more

The post How To Achieve Financial Freedom appeared first on Thrifty Therapist.

Financial freedom is the ability to cover your living expenses through passive income streams without having to work a 9-5 job. It gives you the flexibility to spend time how you want – with family, traveling, or pursuing hobbies.

The concept of financial freedom gained major traction after Tim Ferriss published his book ‘The 4-Hour Work Week’ in 2007. He demonstrated how you can build multiple income streams that cover your costs of living, letting you break free from the corporate grind.

As we enter 2024, financial uncertainty looms with high inflation and the potential of a recession. However, with proper planning and execution, you can still achieve financial independence within the next year. This blog covers actionable tips on how to realistically accomplish that goal.

Cut Down Expenses Significantly

The first step is ruthlessly cutting down your expenses. Track your spending over the past few months using a budgeting app. Identify areas where you overspend, such as dining out, subscriptions, or impulse shopping. Finding ways to trim excess expenses substantially reduces the income you require to support your lifestyle.

For instance, you could:

– Cook more meals at home instead of ordering takeout
– Downgrade to a cheaper phone and data plan
– Cancel unused streaming subscriptions
– Find free entertainment options rather than going to paid venues
– Drive fewer miles to save on gas costs

Ideally, you should cut your expenses by 50% or more. This requires some sacrifices but allows you to reach financial freedom faster.

Pay Off High-Interest Debt

Carrying a lot of credit card debt or personal loans with double-digit interest rates makes achieving financial freedom much more difficult.

Use techniques like the debt snowball or avalanche method to eliminate high-interest debt quickly. The debt snowball method involves paying off your smallest debt first before moving to bigger ones for motivation. The debt avalanche approach focuses on paying high-interest debt first to reduce the total interest paid.

If you have good credit, you could also transfer balances to a 0% APR credit card or consolidate debt using lending platforms like SoFi to lower interest payments. Paying off debt supercharges your path to financial freedom.

Increase Your Income

On the other side of the equation, you need to increase your income through multiple streams.

First, ask for a raise or promotion at your 9-5 job. With high inflation, companies are more likely to increase salaries to retain employees. Show how you provide more value than what you’re currently paid.

Next, build side income streams through freelancing, monetizing hobbies, or running an online business built around content, ecommerce, or selling digital products/services. Use your unique skills to generate this extra income that contributes towards covering living expenses.

For example, if you’re a good writer, create a blog or freelance part-time. If you’re an accountant, offer bookkeeping services. Leverage sites like Fiverr, Upwork and Etsy to earn money in your spare time.

Automate Savings & Investing

As you earn more and trim expenses, you need to save and invest a portion of your income consistently.

Set up automatic monthly transfers from your checking account to savings accounts or brokerage accounts invested in index funds. This builds your net worth over time through compound growth.

A good guideline is saving 10-15% of your gross income, but see what is realistic for your situation. Take advantage of retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs that provide tax savings for investing for the long run.

Consider Alternative Income Streams

Once you have reduced expenses and increased active income, establish hands-off passive income sources to eventually replace your 9-5 salary:

Rental Income – Buy a multi-family rental property that generates enough rent to cover mortgage payments and expenses, building equity over time.

Dividend Stocks – Build a portfolio of stocks that pay steady dividends monthly or quarterly based on profits. Reinvest the dividends to compound your income.

Affiliate Websites – Create niche websites and place affiliate links that earn commissions when site visitors purchase products/services.

Online Courses/Ebooks – Create and sell online courses teaching your expertise or niche ebooks/PDF guides.

These income streams run themselves with some initial effort. Over 2-3 years, they can grow to fully replace your salary and provide true financial freedom.


Gaining complete financial freedom in 2024 requires diligence, consistent effort and patience. The tips covered above tackle both increasing passive income and reducing expenses – the two pillars for reaching financial independence.

It won’t be easy, especially with a potential economic downturn looming. But by cutting costs, paying off debt, earning more money and building alternative income streams, you can eliminate reliance on a full-time job to cover living expenses.

If you implement some of the strategies in this blog, you’ll find yourself much closer to the financial freedom finish line by 2024. It takes continuous small steps forward consistently over months and years. But the end result is worth the temporary sacrifices and hard work.

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17 Useful Tips To Save Money On Groceries | Thrifty Therapist Tue, 01 Aug 2023 02:15:33 +0000 *This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info. Grocery is probably one of the major categories of our monthly budget. We spend most of our money buying food and stuff at the supermarket. Still, one of the problems most people face is that we tend to spend beyond our budget ... Read more

The post 17 Useful Tips To Save Money On Groceries | Thrifty Therapist appeared first on Thrifty Therapist.

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.

Grocery is probably one of the major categories of our monthly budget. We spend most of our money buying food and stuff at the supermarket. Still, one of the problems most people face is that we tend to spend beyond our budget limit every time we go grocery shopping despite the budget set aside for this category.

So, here’s a list of tips that will help you save money on groceries.

1. Create a Meal Plan

Creating a meal plan allows you to know ahead of time what to cook and what ingredients you need for your meals. In addition, this is a helpful strategy to make a list of the things you need to buy on the groceries.

If you want to know more about creating a meal plan, check out my other blog, “How To Make A Budget Meal Plan With 7 Easy Steps,” perfect for beginners.

Suppose you don’t like meal planning or don’t have time to create one. Then try this $5 Meal Plan that will provide you with meal ideas that only cost less than $3 per person. Try it now for FREE for 14 days!

2. Create a grocery shopping list and stick to your grocery budget

Creating a grocery shopping list will help you shop faster and more efficiently. Also, stick to your weekly or monthly grocery budget to avoid overspending. If you are so stubborn enough to stick with your budget, you should try the envelope budgeting method. This method encourages discipline and allows you to spend only the cash you need on your expenditures like groceries.

3. Eat before you shop

Don’t let your cravings or hunger take control over you while you shop for groceries, for this will allow you to end up stacking snacks and foods on your cart that you don’t actually need or are not on the list, which results in unnecessary spending. So always have a full stomach before you go grocery shopping.

4. Avail loyalty and savings program

Loyalty and savings programs are offered to most supermarkets nowadays, and availing of these will allow you to save money on your next grocery trip. Better only avail the programs of the supermarkets where you frequently shop. Make sure always to read the terms and conditions for every program.

5. Avoid buying items at checkout counters

Be mindful of the small stuff you are putting on your cart, especially those near the checkout counters. Also, these areas are very attractive for kids, so better leave them at home when you do grocery shopping or be strict regarding your grocery list.

6. Don’t be fooled by sales

It is so eye-catching to see buy 1 take 1 or buy 2 take 1 as you walk along the grocery aisle. But, don’t be fooled by this sales marketing, for you are actually paying for all items. Though sometimes buying things on sale will save you some bucks, always ask yourself first if you really need those or, better, look for sale offers for the items found on your grocery list.

7. Grow herbs and spices

Grow some herbs and spices, and make use of your space. Nothing feels good than having a FRESH and FREE ingredient added to your meal. Once you’ll find out and compare how much your homegrown spices cost in the supermarket, you will highly appreciate how much money you actually save.

8. Avoid buying unnecessary and unhealthy drinks

Water is basically all we need. Though coffee, tea, and juices have also been a part of our daily drinks, it’s acceptable to stock a few of them. However, you may opt to cut out some of your unhealthy beverages (beer, soda, etc.) and buy them occasionally. Plus, drinking a lot of water has many health benefits and saves you tons of money. So, not only are you saving money, but you are also keeping yourself and your kitchen healthy.

9. Shop for veggies or fruits at the Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s market offers you fresh produce at a lower price. Low prices mean more savings, and not just you were able to save, but you also helped those farmers in their living.

10. Avoid shopping daily and opt to buy in bulk

Always set your schedule when to shop for groceries. It may be once a week or twice a month. Stick to your plan as necessary and avoid shopping for groceries just because it is on your way home, for it is time-consuming and lets you spend more. You can also opt to buy in bulk for the things you often need, which will save you time, money, and energy going back and forth to the supermarket. Plus buying in bulks offers a lot of discounts too.

11. Pay with cash

Paying with cash allows you to spend only within your budget limit as compared to credit cards. But, if you pay with cash and are still trick into overspending, you can try envelope budgeting. This is an excellent budgeting method that will allow you only to use the money set for your expenses like groceries.

12. Save your receipts and be mindful of the prices

Always review your receipts after you shop and note the typical items you frequently need and buy. Take note also of their respective prices. In this way, you will know how much these items cost and help you create an effective grocery budget and list.

13. Buy Generic brands

We often thought that branded items are the only stuff with reliable quality, taste, or ingredients. Little did we know that some things under generic brands offer the same quality at an affordable price. So next time you shop, check out for items with generic brands, and you will be amazed how it will save you tons of bucks.

14. Always recheck prices

Be cautious with the price posted on the supermarket racks for every item. It is not uncommon that what you thought is the price for an item is actually the other items’ price. And you will be surprised when you reach the cashier and the price posted is different from what you even thought. So better take a closer look and always recheck for the costs of the items you pick.

15. Only buy the items that you need

Buy what you only need. Stick to your list and avoid overspending.

16. Be familiar with the supermarket layout

Being familiar with your favorite supermarket’s layout allows you to find the stuff on your list faster and prevents you from strolling around, which you might end up buying items that are not on your grocery list.

17. Always check for the expiry dates

Checking the “expiry dates” or “best before” of the items you plan to buy is a must, especially those on sale. I highly recommend selecting items with far expiry dates for it will allow you to have ample time to consume them (in which you won’t have to buy the same thing repeatedly) and prevent waste.


Use these tips the next time you shop for groceries and be amazed at how much money you can save. And, you can use the extra money to add to your savings, pay some debts or make investments.

If you know more money-saving grocery tips, you can share them in the comment section below.

Read Next ⇒ 5 Easy Money Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner

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